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Passing over

A Better Life

As all life progresses from the earth-plane into a higher vibration every single individual upon the earth-plane must have, or must know, of someone that has moved into the realms of the Higher Life before them.

You may believe that your life upon the earth-plane has been without love, but life is an eternal process. Therefore, in the state of spirit, and the Higher Life, there is love for all.
The process of life depends upon our love for one another, your vibration of life going through and back again from our side of life.
Therefore, all shall be met as they progress into the Higher Life.


True Love

Those that have lived their time upon the earth-plane devoid of the emotion of love, never accomplishing the sense of having been loved or being able to love, shall know the joy of this on their transition into the Higher Life. In answer to you, all are met by love once they progress to the Higher Life.
There are many roads and many paths towards God.
In consideration-and with all due respect to all individuals and their understanding of religion-I would say that the religious faith that one follows upon the earth plane is often carried into the state of spirit.
We know from conversations we have had before, but for the benefit of those who have never heard me say, it is our way to say unto you that the time when we take our leave from you is when we offer and wish you God's blessing within your understanding.
Every single aspect, every single spark of spirit, strives to understand God within their own consciousness. Some use the means of religion to do this, and they rejoice in their understanding of God in the communion of others, in the church of Generals.


The Nativity

So some prefer to make their church their understanding of God, a matter by which they,conduct their lives, striving to give and to receive unconditional love to the best of their ability.
Regrettably, some use the structure of religion to inflict and enforce their will-not God's will-upon those who are confused and cannot see or find God easily. Therefore, they will listen to the deceptive voice of men of religion, women of religion, who will lead them away from the paths of God in deception. That indeed is a tragedy.

The Message

Olde Street scene

The message of Spirit is very simple, my friends. There is but one message-and that is unconditional love and the truth that life is eternal through many states of being. Lack of belief in religion does not necessarily mean a lack of belief in God, in creation, in love.
Equally, belief in a religion does not necessarily mean an acceptance of God, of the Creator. There are many roads and many paths towards God.



Some will use religion to tread this path; some will make their religion the manner of their life, the manner of the way they conduct themselves.
A lot shall not do so within the confines of religion or of an establishment Church. This does not mean that they shall not-or have not-found God for themselves. There are many who will call themselves atheist or agnostic"or I believe that in your times there is the expression of "humanitarian."
These are no lesser words than "Christian," "Buddhist," "Jew," "Islam," if in their atheism, if in their agnostic belief or their humanitarian belief, they express unconditional love and strive for unconditional love.



They have as much an understanding of the purpose, the design of Life, of God within their understanding as the man or the woman who attends a church, a synagogue, a mosque, a temple and rejoices in their understanding of God, of unconditional love in this manner.



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